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Bedding - Part 2

22/10/2010 Straw is acceptable and is also cheap.

Some companies are chopping straw and medicating and dust extracting them such a Medibed by Dengie. If using straw be careful as it can look clean to the eye but be dirty underneath creating a mouldy environment, which you most certainly don’t want in you hen house.  If using straw in nest boxes of the hen house it should be powdered well (with lice or red mite powder) as the dreaded red mite loves to hide in the hollow straw making a perfect hiding place.

 There are alternatives such as easibed, aubiose and cozy coop, which are easily obtained from horse supply companies.

 Stalosan Powder is a pink powder disinfectant, which can be sprinkled under bedding on the floor of the chicken coop to dry up wet patches. It also protects against coccidia, e coli virus and worm eggs aswell as creating a fresher environment as it kills ammonia smells too. Its safe for birds and humans alike as it’s also natural product.

 So remember for healthy hens and clean coops keep bedding conditions clean and dry, ensure the atmosphere is as free from ammonia as possible and use Stalosan F powder at a rate of 50g per square metre at least once a week. Pay attention to damp spots in particular.


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